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  • Thomas Strutz

Happy Singing Guests

Nothing is more satisfying for our hotel than to see that guests were truly happy and satisfied with their stay with us. "We love your place", "we will come again", "your place is even more beautiful than the pictures on your home page" etc. are some of the words that give us all the energy to continue working on making our hotel even more accommodating. The other day we had a unique experience. While we were saying our good-byes, we learnt that one of the guest was playing the guitar. Shortly after that the whole group of guests were spontaneously singing with this gifted musician in front of our reception. What a nice way to say good-bye and to hope that we see each other again! Thank you!

(The picture and video are posted here with the agreement of our guests).

Greek Salad in Strutz Art Garden Resort
Our guests singing in front of the reception

"You Are My Sunshine" - our guests singing spontaneously in front of the reception before leaving

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