Guests arrive either by car or by bus to Strutz Art Garden Resort. The resort can easily be found on Google Maps.
By Car from Manila
Follow E1/R-8, N Luzon W Expressway and MacArthur Highway/Manila N Rd passing Angeles, Tarmac City, San Fernando, Cannon and Narvacan.
Turn right into the Ilocos Sur - Abra Rd/Narvacan-Bangued Rd and go straight until Bangued.
Pass the Bangued Town Plaza and continue straight along the main road.
The road makes a left turn, follow the Ilocos Norte - Abra Rd in the direction of the Provincial Hospital. On the left side you will see the Strutz Art Café. Continue straight until you see Max's Restaurant on your right side.
Take the road going to the right just behind the parking of Max's Restaurant. At this intersection there is a street sign showing the direction to "Strutz Art Garden Resort" (see picture below). Follow the main street. The street makes a 90 degree turn to the left just about 100m up from the Ilocos Norte road intersection (a second street sign shows the way). Continue until you see the entrance gate to Strutz Art Garden Resort to your left. Go to the gate and use the video interphone.
By Bus
Take a Partas bus from Manila (Cubao or Pasay) with destination to "Abra". The terminus is Bangued. At the partas station take a tricycle. Depending on traffic it will take 5 to 15 minutes to arrive at the resort.
17.615447600039715, 120.62082261061637

Map with directions

Street sign at Max's Restaurant